
Everybody Disco

by Karen Shaw


Colne Town Hall has become the go-to venue for a disco, and it’s not hard to see why. The grand building is steeped in history and charm and is perfect for dancing the night away. With all the necessary facilities for people with disabilities, it truly is an inclusive and welcoming space for everyone. Over the years, the Colne monthly disco, founded by Dorothy Lord, has become a hub for the community, bringing everyone together like one big family.

Councillor Dorothy Lord

Dorothy’s idea sparked when she saw a need in the community after a beloved Burnley venue closed its doors. “About eight years ago, I was looking after a young man with autism and other health problems, and one of my duties was to take him to a disco in Burnley. I think it was a restaurant at the weekends, and during the week, they let a group of people with learning disabilities use it for a disco. But then it closed down. So that made me think, hang on, there isn’t another one in the whole of East Lancashire. There was nothing like that where people could go, have a good night, enjoy themselves, feel safe – that’s the main thing.”


She decided to start a disco at the Union Exchange, a local venue with all the necessary disabled facilities; she tells Colne Life: “For two to three years, we had a great time there, gaining more and more participants each month. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, the disco had to come to an end when the lift in the building broke down.” After a break courtesy of COVID-19, Dorothy’s daughter gave her a gentle nudge back onto the dance floor. However, finding a suitable venue with all the necessary facilities proved to be a challenge. As Dorothy is a Borough Councillor, she thought, why not just ask for the town hall?

It has been a huge success! Not only is the town hall easily accessible for people with disabilities, but it’s also about creating a safe and inclusive space for everyone in the community to come together, have a good time, and feel like they belong.

The latest Easter disco at the town hall was a night to remember for everyone involved. The laughter, the singing, and the joy that filled the room were contagious, and it was all thanks to the support of some amazing individuals who made the event possible. Even the Mayor of Pendle graced the dance floor, his chain must have been twinkling like a disco ball under the lights!

“We were honoured to receive the visit from the Mayor, everybody was so happy to see him, they were thrilled! We also had two visitors from our twin town, Marl, in Germany. They were such delightful people, and we even managed to throw in a tour of the town hall when everyone had gone home for them!” Dorothy said.

The Mayor Brian Newman at the disco

With the support of Lee Duerden from XLCR, who sponsored the event and covered the venue costs, they were able to start the disco at the town hall. Darren Harrison from Coalition Facilities Management also donated the super chocolate eggs for the Easter disco, making sure there was enough for everyone.

“We had to bring the Easter disco forward because our DJ, Joe Cools, is going away for his wedding anniversary! He’s been with us from the very beginning; he makes sure to play all their favourite songs and even gets everyone up on stage for some karaoke!” said Dorothy.

“Nathan Cutler, the events manager, also played a crucial role in bringing the disco to life. Billie Clough, who works at the Town Council, runs the bar, and she has gotten to know everyone and their behavioural traits. She knows how to speak to them, and everybody gets on well. And she knows exactly what they like to drink!” laughs Dorothy. “We also have Craig Edwards and his wife Emma. Last year, I booked a holiday that clashed with the disco. I appealed online for help, and he stepped in. He’s such an asset to us all and brings in new ideas all the time. I haven’t been able to get rid of him!”

In the group, there are individuals who are non-verbal, yet they still come and have a great time. “There is also a young girl with Downs Syndrome who got up on the karaoke stage and sang her heart out, to the delight of her father who was there. Her father mentioned that he had never laughed as much. By the end of the night, she was leaning on her dad and sucking her thumb because she was tired, but she just would not give up! It’s great.” Smiled Dorothy. “There is a lady named Anita, who is 90 years old, who comes to the gatherings to sing her favourite song from the Titanic on the karaoke. Despite her age, Anita still enjoys coming to these gatherings, and it brings her joy to be able to sing and have fun with everyone as they clap and cheer!”


The disco used to be for adults only, but just before Christmas, Dorothy decided they would invite teenagers along too, and now a group from Pendle Vale comes to the disco!

Dorothy has made the historic town hall into the greatest dance spot this side of Lancashire. “It’s a place where people can come and have a great time, and it doesn’t matter what disability or background a person has. Everyone is welcome.”

So, if you’re ready to dance like nobody’s watching, get yourself down for a boogie. As long as Dorothy and her disco divas are around, the party will keep on going. They are a testament to the power of the community and the impact a simple idea can have on people’s lives. Disco on, Colne!

For more details, click here…Colne monthly additional Needs Disco

ColneLife May/June 24