Ice Ice Baby
by Colne Life magazine
With energy prices expected to sky rocket this autumn, we’re all looking to cut down on our energy usage. As the temperatures get colder nothing sounds nicer than a bath so hot you take your time sinking into it, stress melts away as the steam rises and muscle aches are soothed by the hot water, but should you risk a hefty bill when you could get these benefits another way?
GP Dr Brian Fisher, who works with the GP and wellness app, Evergreen Life, explains the benefits of the morning cold shower: “Next time you take your morning shower, consider switching the dial to the blue side. Having a routine of blasting cold water might help your health as your body gets awakened and stimulated, causing blood to circulate faster. There is actually a clinical trial that measured the effect of cold showering on health, which resulted in 29% less sickness absence. Studies have also been carried out on people doing ice swimming suggesting that cold water swimming has a wide variety of health benefits, including changes in blood and hormone function, fewer upper respiratory tract infections, improvement of mood disorders and general well-being. In summary, there may be some health benefits to cold showers – but probably the real gain would be in pleasure and cost-saving!”

Would you take the plunge?
Wim Hof, also known as The Iceman, is well-known for praising the benefits of plunging into freezing water – appearing on the BBC, the Discovery Channel and Vice. The Dutchman is keen to spread the health benefits of embracing the freeze.
Next time you take your morning shower, consider switching the dial to the blue side
Wim Hof believes that cold water is our friend and that as our lifestyle has become separated from our natural environment our bodies are suffering. Wim Hof wants to connect people with nature through cold water. The Wim Hof method of commitment, breathing techniques and cold exposure is said to lead to a host of benefits included increased energy, reduced stress and a stronger immune system. These benefits were shown in a 2015 study on Dutch men. “In this study, it was found that the 13 men practising the popular Wim Hoff method were able to control their immune system to such an extent, that their anti-inflammatory mediators were 200% higher, and pro-inflammatory mediators 50% lower than normal.”
The Wim Hof method of commitment, breathing techniques and cold exposure is said to lead to a host of benefits included increased energy, reduced stress and a stronger immune system.
Adam Foster, from Fibromyalgia treatment website The Fibro Guy explains. “The researchers hypothesize that by generating a stress-induced analgesic response in periaqueductal grey matter, the Wim Hof Method may promote the spontaneous release of opioids and cannabinoids in the brain. This effect has the potential to create a feeling of well-being, boost immunity, mood control and reduce anxiety.”

Cold showering might have benefits despite the discomfort.
Adam believes that cold showering might be even more beneficial for people suffering from conditions such as Fibromyalgia. “It’s no secret to anyone diagnosed with the label Fibromyalgia, that accompanying the constant daily pain is a rapid decline in cognitive function or what’s known in the Fibro world as ‘Fibro Fog’. No one really knows for sure what causes ‘Fibro Fog’ or why it only affects some who are diagnosed.
“As far as cold showers go for Fibromyalgia, well there is actually some research that could possibly back up the statement that cold showers can help boost your cognition or at least blow away the fibro fog and lower pain levels.
“Cold showering stimulates a body and brain-wide protective response, ensuring sufficient amounts of betaendorphin and noradrenaline (and lots more) are released into the system quickly. This array of feel-good and analgesic chemicals helps to suppress pain and makes us feel very alert, at least for a short while.
Cold showering stimulates a body and brain-wide protective response.
“Researchers have tested this cold therapy treatment in people diagnosed with Fibromyalgia as well as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, chronic low back pain and various other chronic pain conditions. When these people spent two and a half minutes in the cold cabin, they rated a significant decrease in their pain symptoms afterwards.
“Some people found the effect didn’t last long (about 90 minutes) but many found an ongoing improvement over time.”

Adam Foster
Tips for those that want to give it a go
1. When day one comes around, get in your shower, wash as normal with warm water, and then gradually turn the temperature down. Once you hit the cold, stay with it for two minutes and don’t forget to breathe!
2. You don’t have to go in all guns blazing with freezing cold, you can give yourself a few weeks to get down to cold.
3. Give your head a little blast of cold water but then focus on the body. Prolonged exposure to cold on the head can in very rare cases cause temporary amnesia!
4. Don’t jump straight into a very cold shower. You need to give your nervous system a little time to adjust, the same goes for your blood vessels.
5. Scream the names of your enemies whilst cold showering, it always helped me!
ColneLife Summer 23