Colne Royalty at Skipton Gala

Queen For A Year!

by Laura Storey

Meet PHEOBE BRADLEY: Colne’s New Gala Queen. At just ten years old, Pheobe, a bright and enthusiastic Lord Street Primary School student, has left a lasting impression on her community.

Pheobe’s journey to becoming the Gala Queen started with her desire to participate in community events. Having attended the gala in previous years, she seized every opportunity to help, whether promoting a family friend’s business on a float or even donning an Elvis costume. Pheobe’s love for the gala stems from her appreciation of how it brings together communities from various towns.

Pheobe admitted feeling nervous when stepping into the Gala Queen selection process for the first time. However, the allure of free sweets helped ease her apprehension. The judges were keen to know more about her hobbies, how she spends her spare time, and her motivations for aspiring to become the Gala Queen. “I’d love to become the gala queen,” Pheobe explains, “because it would be so amazing to have that title, but I’m also bringing communities together.”

Back row, l to r: Colne Life editor and judge Karen Shaw, Organiser Neil Butterworth, and judges Victoria Elizabeth and Angela Burns. Front row, l to r: Princess Millie Wormwell, Queen Pheobe Bradley, Princess Georgie Bradshaw

Pheobe’s hobbies reveal a young mind brimming with curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. She finds joy in active and creative pursuits, from roller skating and reading to crafting through sewing and knitting. However, her love for history and exploring the world around her truly sets her apart. Fascinated by ancient civilisations and how people lived before modern conveniences, Pheobe finds solace in discovering hidden places and appreciating the natural wonders that Colne and its surroundings have to offer.

Despite her tender age, Pheobe has a clear vision of her future. She dreams of becoming a lawyer or a dentist, professions that would allow her to make a difference and help others. She also expresses an interest in marine biology, which captivates her with its exploration of underwater life and animal habitats. Pheobe’s ambition and intellectual curiosity are remarkable, fuelling her desire to understand the world around her.

Despite her tender age, she has a clear vision of her future.

Pheobe’s journey has been challenging. Diagnosed with diabetes in September 2011, she faced managing her condition with courage and resilience. Despite the difficulties, Pheobe has learned valuable lessons, recognising that struggling and making mistakes is okay. She has used her experiences to raise awareness and support others, organising a fundraiser for Type 1 diabetes while inspiring her friends to get involved.

Pheobe with her favourite read

“Last March, I started a fundraiser for Type 1 diabetes and did a charity run with one of my friends. I ended up raising about £400 in a week. Using spare resources like old badges, I also held an event at school to raise awareness as part of the school council,” Pheobe smiles.

Pheobe recently received an insulin pump, freeing her from five to six daily injections and making her life easier. With her commitment to raising awareness and community-mindedness, she will surely be missed at Lord Street when she advances to Skipton Girls Grammar School this September. Spot Pheobe smiling and waving from the float at this year’s Colne Gala on Saturday, 17th June, taking place through Colne centre at 11am.


ColneLife Summer  23