
Colne Life Quiz March/April 2024

by Colne Life magazine

Ow’ much d’ya know about our bonnie town on t’hill?

1 Which Trawden resident was recently awarded the British Empire Medal for ‘Services to the Community’ in Colne?
2 What date is this year’s Colne Gala?
3 What is the name of the local pioneer, founder and chairman of Pendleside Hospice, who passed away in 2019?
4 Where has VEG-IT and Michael’s Butchers & Farm Shop moved to until the market is renovated?
5 Colner Owen Bradley attended which annual World Scout Jamboree? 20th, 22nd or 25th?

Owen Bradley

6 How long has the Colne’s Christ Church activity group, the ‘Crafty Biggers’, been running?
7 Which local artist recently gifted ColneLife a painting?
8 When was the ‘Sally Beach’s Gallopers’ merry-go-round originally crafted?
9 What happens every Tuesday between 4-5pm at CYAG (Colne Youth Action Group)?
10 The Trawden community has kept three local assets open; the shop, the community centre and the …?
11 The Colne Gala usually includes a Gala Queen and Princess, what other position is being included this year?

Last year’s gala queen and princesses

12 What was the name of the Colne Youth Club in the 1960s?
13 Who does ColneLife take a ramble to Noggarth with?
14 Which Beatle told the audience at The Imp to “Shurrup”?
15 What is Dr Tom Friar from Skipton Road Dental Practice planning to do, that will provide more surgery space?
16 Which neologism means a video of a person created with AI?
17 What area is often captured by painter Keith Melling?
18 Which brothers, have taken over the popular Colne bakery, Whitesides?
19 What is Elisha House in the proccess of setting up?
20 Who set up Pendle Plant Craft?
21 Former ColneLife writer Josh shared his experience at which university?


22 What common plant can be used as a laundry detergent?
23 How many extra hours of foot patrol has Colne been getting due to Operation Centurion, launched by the Lancashire Police?
24 Who shouted to Geoff Crambie, “Postie, where’s my giro?”
25 What anniversary did Pendle Hospice recently celebrate?

Find the answers here.

ColneLife March/April 24