
Chitty went with a Bang!

by Tony Davies

Local thespian and member of Pendle Hippodrome’s Theatre company shares more tales from his last venture performing in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!

On Monday the 18th of September we got a spot on the Granada Reports. Paul Crone and his cameraman spent a few hours filming the rehearsals. Paul and his friend were a right laugh, he took some stick during his visit. All done in good humour, of course.

Tony Davies

So, our final rehearsal, and it all went well. No missed cues, etc., it was amazing! Confidence was high for the first night. I must admit to first-night nerves, but we all got through it. Just a couple of glitches. Don’t think the crowd noticed them, thankfully. The relief afterwards is amazing, I had forgotten what it’s like. It takes hours to come down after the show, well, it does for me!

The piece that Granada TV did on the show really helped ticket sales. By Saturday we had a double sell-out. The crowds were fabulous all week it made all the effort worthwhile.

By the time you get to read this the show will be over and rehearsals will have started for the next show, Mack and Mabel. But I thought it would be nice to finish my current thespian adventure so this will be the last tale. I’m probably going to have six months off and chill awhile, the old body is struggling at times. I highly recommend having a go at this, because you meet some brilliant folk and get to work hard and have a great laugh.

A special thanks to all the cast for putting up with me again, and not pushing me off the stage. It’s been an absolute pleasure these last few months. It makes me want to do the next one now. OMG, I think I’ve caught the bug… Oh, go on then, I will find out if there’s anything for me in Mack and Mabel. Can just see me in a Keystone cops’ outfit. It is time for a few days’ rest now, my old body is creaking more than usual.

ColneLife Winter 23